Firestop ablative paint INTU FR COAT A is a one-component product designed for sealing fire protection penetrations and expansion joints with fire resistance class up to EI 240. Under fire conditions and the influence of high temperature, endothermic reactions take place in the product. The paint absorbs heat to a large extent, delaying the impact of fire on structural elements. The product is used in combination with a mineral wool board with a density of min. 150kg/m3 and a minimum thickness of 60mm for penetration seals and with density of min. 50kg/m3 for linear joint. The ready-made/painted firestop boards INTU FR BOARD A are also available for sale.
Product has BREEAM Attestation.
Content in accordance with TDS PK_3.1
INTU FR COAT A is designed for:
Rigid walls:
The wall must be at least 150mm thick and have concrete, cellular concrete structure or masonry structure, with a minimum density of 600kg/m3
Rigid floors:
The floor must be at least 150mm thick and have concrete, cellular concrete structure or masonry structure, with a minimum density of 1700kg/m3
In the case of non-flammable pipes:
a) mineral wool insulation with a density of min 37kg/m3 should be placed (for exact parameters see Table 1)
b) cover a mineral wool board and a part of the insulation with INTU FR COAT A according to the guidelines in the drawings.
In the case of expansion joints, cover the mineral wool board with INTU FR COAT A ablative paint on one side of the partition. Prepare a partition overlap min 5mm.
Approximate consumption of INTU FR COAT A for painting a mineral wool boards: 1,7 kg/m2 – for a dry film thickness of 1 mm.
Store in dry and cool conditions at temperatures between + 5°C and + 25°C.
Shelf life 12 months from the production date shown on the packaging.
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